

Request for proposals for Faculty-Led项目 in 2024-2025 academic year is active, 提案表格可以在这里下载 教师领导-建议- 2024 - 2025 -最后的形式. 有意于2025年1月带学生出国的教师, 2025年春季, 或2025年夏季会议应提交主席签名 截止日期为2月11日. 15th, 2024. 建议应通过电子邮件提交给博士.卡蒂亚·帕兹·戈德法布和蒂姆·怀特. 通过我们的流程确保我们的学生, 教师, 在国外旅行的工作人员将得到通知并确保安全, 同时也保护大学及其员工免于承担责任.

所有的提案都应该由被提议的首席讲师撰写, 需要系主任审核并签字. Faculty interested in learning about how these programs work are invited to download and review the slides (教师主导的研讨会幻灯片)从车间举行 结婚. 2024年1月24日


在你的教室或俱乐部安排一个海外学习的演讲. Contact our Program Associate for Inbound Exchange and Campus Engagement, Brooke Klinger klingerb@os-tw.com 为了一个最适合你课堂的演讲.

The 国际学术活动 team has an active network of returned study abroad students who have volunteered to be 出国留学 Peer Advisors (SAPA), 可以做课堂演讲, 在集市上摆桌子, talk one-on-one with prospective study abroad students and present at clubs and learning communities. 出国留学 staff members are also available on request to make presentations to 教师, 部门, 办公室与学生.

A 出国留学 Peer Advisor or staff member will speak about opportunities open to your students. 今天通过电子邮件请求一次演示或会议 studyabroad@os-tw.com.


Learn about study abroad opportunities for students in your academic or regional area of interest. The Office of 国际学术活动 offers programs for students in over 50 countries around the world, 在几乎所有的学科中. Encourage your students to participate in one of the various types of programs available to them such as semester exchange programs, 附属项目或教师主导的项目. You can help them search available programs by academic discipline or by term by exploring our 探索节目 页面.

为了更好地建议学生, we welcome you to become familiar with what is available and which opportunities complement your program. 了解更多关于出国留学的信息, please explore our 页面s or reach our Director for a meeting to answer all of your questions about study abroad.


Students will need to get approval for the courses they want to study while abroad, 通过注册官在其他机构的工作流程. Department Chairs of each major will approve study abroad courses as a 十大博彩推荐排名州立 equivalent after a student picks out the courses they propose to take while abroad. (例子:学生寻求满足他们的历史. will visit have their proposed course reviewed by the History Department Chair)  The IAI team will facilitate this, sending the courses taken abroad and the proposed equivalent to the relevant Department Chair, 但我们的办公室从不批准任何对等. 只有学术系主任才能这么做, determining whether or not a study abroad course satisfies a 十大博彩推荐排名州立 course. 学生负责提供课程名称, 课程描述, 有时还会列出他们出国学习的课程大纲. 主席可以做出明智的决定.


Students can request recommendations through their online study abroad application. 如果你被学生选中提供推荐信, you will receive an e-mail with instructions outlining how to log in with your NEST credentials to complete the recommendation.


学生可以在完成海外学习项目后获得转学分. 一旦收到国际成绩单, the Office of 国际学术活动 will process the credits and send to Registrar.

只有学生在他们的课程中获得C或更高的分数才能获得学分. Only the names of the classes and credits earned appear on the student’s 十大博彩推荐排名州立 transcript.  Grades earned abroad on exchange programs do not appear on the 十大博彩推荐排名州立 transcript and do not impact 十大博彩推荐排名州立 GPA.


The Office of 国际学术活动 (IAI) is committed to furthering international education and the global citizenship of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 students through study abroad programs of all types and 长度s. Faculty-led short term study abroad programs provide a unique experience for students and 教师 to explore a topic or question through comparative inquiry and experiential perspective building in an international setting.

With this goal in mind we invite 教师 to submit proposals and work with IAI to imagine and develop programs rich in educational opportunity.




提案必须得到学术主席和院长的支持, 开发和执行一个项目需要谁的批准. 在审查提案时,主席和院长可以参考以下指导方针:

Guidelines-for-Deans-and-Chairs (PDF)



为所有必要的步骤(行政审批)留出足够的时间, 合同, 节目说明及宣传资料, 旅游服务合同, 招生, student application processing and program cost payment and course registration) 教师 should 至少预留一年时间 制定和实施教师主导的海外学习计划.




冬天的程序: 建议 2月15日截止
来自IAI的反馈 3月1日
接触时间 & 教员协议到期 3月15日
程序设计与IAI 4月/ 5月
节目由IAI出版 6月
学生申请截止日期 8月1日
建议 2月15日截止
来自IAI的反馈 3月1日
接触时间 & 教员协议到期 3月15日
程序设计与IAI 4月/ 5月
节目由IAI出版 8月
学生申请截止日期 10月1日
建议 2月15日截止
来自IAI的反馈 3月1日
接触时间 & 教员协议到期 3月15日
程序设计与IAI 4月/ 5月
节目由IAI出版 9月
学生申请截止日期 1月30日


国际学术活动 holds 教师 workshops in the Fall and Spring semesters to provide an overview of Faculty-led Program development. Additionally, colleges and 部门 may request IAI to run a workshop for their 教师. 请关注即将到来的研讨会.

如果您不能参加研讨会,请与我们联系 studyabroad@os-tw.com 安排单独的会议.

教师主导项目研讨会:1月. 2023




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